Friday 3 April 2020

Come back?

I’m not sure this is the greatest time ever, to try and make a blog come back, but nevertheless here I am. I will continue to ask myself that if I don’t do it now, when will I do it? Or will I ever do it? I’ve been thinking about starting my blog up again for the past few weeks. Previously, I never really made a decision to stop blogging, it just kind of happened naturally. Therefore there was always a part of me that wanted to come back to it and start afresh. So here I am, with all the time in the world currently, and hopefully some fresh new ideas for any of you who may wish to read. I’ve never stopped reading my personal favourite blogs and follow these on different forms of social media. You could even say it’s these people who have inspired me to come back and give this blog another kick up the back side. So let me give this a go and just see what happens. As I mentioned, I am not currently working (some work is being done from home) due to the current worldwide situation. I’m not going to pressure myself with scheduled posts and just write a blog post when it feels right, when I have content or when I wish to share something with you all. The content presented in the coming weeks may be slightly different to what you were used too, if you’ve been here before. However, my interests haven’t changed so it may seem no different.

I hope you enjoy the upcoming content on my blog and continue sharing my passion for my little part of the internet. I also hope you are all staying safe within your own homes as much as you can. I cannot wait to get started again!
Speak to you all soon, Natalie :-) x


  1. Yay it's nice to see you back! I didn't take a break quite as long as yours (only 5 months). I agree, now is the perfect time to come back with all our free time!

  2. Glad you agree about the timing, it was something I was a little unsure about but need to fill my time somehow! Thank you :) x


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