Sunday 6 December 2015

My Work Face

Working with children definitely isn't one of the most glamorous jobs therefore minimal make up is 100% acceptable. Also having to be up early and late home means there's not much time to apply any decent make up. Therefore minimal is better especially for my job role and to be fair that's fine with me! It can only be a slight problem when my skin decides to play up and this light base is not enough to cover my spots.

I've been using these four products for work for the past month or so and it hasn't totally failed me yet. Yes I've had those days when spots aren't fully covered and a spot gets bigger throughout the day but it's been a pretty fool proof make up routine. I moisturise my skin first so balance out my oily parts and dry parts of my skin. Then I go on and apply the L'Oreal CC Cream for Anti-Redness using my fingers. This comes out pretty dark but I simply just keep blending it in with my fingers until it's all blended and looks ok. If I have any spots or areas I want to cover more then I just apply a small amount more on those and blend it in again. This is such an easy product to use which means quick application which is just what I'm after.

Next I will set that into place using my Bourjois Healthy Balance powder which is one of my all time favourite powders. It doesn't leave your skin looking cakey or powdery which is always a winner. I then go onto brows and use the Rimmel Brow This Way brow gel. This isn't my favourite brow gel I've ever used simply because of the large brush but the actual product inside is good. A brow gel for me is the quickest way to fill in my brows, a few brushes through and you're done, it really is that simple.

The final step is to curl my lashes, I don't bother with mascara on a work day as I'm such a perfectionist when it comes to my eyelashes. It can take me a long time to be ok with how my eyelashes look so on a work day I simply just curl them with this heated eyelash curler from eBay and be done with it. I have quite long eyelashes but they are quite straight so curling them just opens up my eyes a little more.

There you have it, my simple four product work face when you literally have no time and don't have to look glamorous. Let me know your simple work face routine if you're in the same boat as me with time etc. and leave a link if you've posted about it on your blog below, I'd love to have a read :-)

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